Meteorite Men
One of the best shows to grace the science and Discovery channel screens Meteorite Men is a must watch for treasure and metal detector enthusiasts. Steve and Geoff live out the real life dreams of thousands around the world by hunting for space treasure.
The Meteorite Men series follows two adventurers Steve and Geoff around the world on their quest to unearth Meteorites that fell to earth from outer space and have been waiting a few days or a few million years for us to find. Armed with the latest Metal Detectors, Meteorite location Maps, shovels ATV’s and four by fours the Meterorite Men live out our dreams in real life.
They explore the globe in secret locations scanning the earth for the precious bounty and extract some of the most valuable objects known to man.
Part of the rush for the Meteorite Men is the ability to say they are the first humans to lay their eyes and hands on alien rock billions of years old.
The Meteors they find are donated or sold to museums, collectors and research facilities. Some containing space gems are even turned into rare jewellery. You too can buy some on their official Meteorite Men website.
The Meteorite Men have become a world wide phenomena and now in their third season their fame is sure to grow.
Follow the Meteorite Men on Twitter @Meteoritemen
Vistit their website here: Meteorite Men.
We are hoping that the science and Discovery channel releases Meterotie Men on DVD soon so those who missed the show can catch up.
If you want to add pressure to the pile on them click here to visit Discovery Channel and leave a request for Meteorite Men on DVD now!