Metal Detector Finds South Africa
Looking for the latest Metal Detecting Finds South Africa has to offer? Look no Further.
At Metal Detector SA our Exclusive Metal Detecting Club shares its finds with the world right here. Years of detecting and digging South African lands have helped preserve our history for future generations and stopped the decay of our history in the ground.
Coin Metal Detector Finds South Africa
Take a look at the latest Coin finds from South African Soil. Tickeys, Kruger Pounds, Shillings and many more all waiting to be found in South African Soil.
Boer War Relic Metal Detecting Finds South Africa
We’ve got plenty of that on Display too! Some of our members have made stunning display cases and donations to Museums across South Africa.
If you want to send us your Metal Detecting finds to share with South Africa or are looking become a member of our exclusive club then Contact us now!
Here are some links to Metal detector Finds South Africa from some of our members:
Click here for all the Metal Detecting Finds.
Need to buy Metal Detectors Cape Town or any where else in SA? Look no further than Metal Detector SA!