Which countries search for metal detectors online?
Thanks to Google Trends we are able to see which countries are interested in our metal detecting hobby by looking at the volume of searches for metal detectors. These metal detecting statistics are for 2004 – 2012.
Map of “Detector Nations”
The map clearly shows those countries who traditionally are interested in the hobby. Still appears to be a western world pursuit, but its good to see South Africa high up on the list.
Trend Line of metal detector searches.
The trend line shows a steady decrease in interest from 2004 to present. The spikes are December months – Xmas gifts 🙂 “Metal Detectors” are searched for 550,000 times a month globally.
Who’s looking for Garrett Detectors?
As expected Garrett is Made in USA and enjoys a good deal of dominance in the USA, Canada and the UK. “Garrett Metal Detectors” are searched for 27,100 times a month globally and 210 times a month in South Africa.
Who’s looking for Minelab Detectors?
Again as expected it is predominantly Australia. Minelab is made and has its best market in Australia. “Minelab Metal Detectors” are searched for 6,600 times a month globally and 36 times a month in South Africa.
Boer War History
Another interesting trend I looked at for the period was interest in Boer War History. Sadly interest is declining steadily since 2004. “Boer War” gets 110,000 searches globally per month and 8100 in South Africa per month.
Trends of Boer War searches.
Interest as expected is confined to English Speaking British colonies.
I do hope you enjoyed this trip into the world of Metal Detecting trends and stats. Hopefully the hobby will grow from strength to strength.
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