Metal Detecting Jokes
Just for a laugh, we thought wed put up some metal detecting jokes for you to enjoy.
If you have any related jokes please send them to us through the contact us page or by making a comment below.
After you are done laughing – GetĀ seriousĀ and check out the latest finds from South Africa!
We hope you enjoy them!
– For sale. Golden Retriever, had for nine months, has yet to retrieve gold. Should have just bought a Metal Detector!
– What did the old coin say to the metal detector? …. Don’t take that tone with me!
– You can never be sure of the sexual orientation of a metal detector…. because it swings both ways!
– Add your joke here.
Until next time keep your coil to SA soil, and remember to send your jokes to us.
How Metal Detectorists see the mars rover landing.
Dog you must! Find you will!
He’s on your beach, detecting your metals.
A metal detecting FAIL:
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